Once upon a time there was a star in a far far away galaxy. She travelled on cloud trips anytime she got the chance, which was not really often, they were just allowed to do a very few travels in their lives. In her galaxy all the stars were together in a big crystal box and altogether brought light to their galaxy. They were all pretty much the same, they have not used their opportunities to travel because they thought their galaxy was the only and best ever galaxy in the whole universe. She was, somehow, different. She had not many friends there; most of them were always making fun of her because she believed there was a galaxy somewhere in which stars drew constellations. She worked overtime to get cloud tickets. Once she travelled and the cloud broke down so she jumped off. Next to that unknown place there was a sign: "Milky Way". She was not sure were she was going... everything happened so fast but she ended up in some kind of carriage called Ursa Minor. There was a Scorpion, a Dragon, a Lion, an Archer, some Fishes, a Crab, a king called Cepheus, three bright stars together which create Orion's belt... There she was, in that place everyone told her to believe it didn't exist... for centuries she guided ships pointing the North... and she still does.
Back in the galaxy where she grew up they get a letter saying she won't come back because she had found that place where stars drew constellations. When they got the letter they were too proud to admit that they also believed that place existed when they were young, when they still have not given up dreaming, which the start they made fun of never did. They just resigned themselves to believe that box was the only thing in the entire universe. Now, they can't travel to see the constellations because the cloud never came back, neither the star. Nobody knows now how they wished they have joined the star to go searching for the constellations when she invited them to. Now, they cover their sadness saying the star was always crazy and immature to believe in constellations and that she never came back because she got lost in a black hole, but inside they know that box will never be as bright as the Pole Star. Falling stars are stars escaping from that big box trying to reach the constellations... just a few of them do that, and they may be as crazy and immature as the rest would say but just as the Pole Star was when she took that cloud trip and now, she's there, living in one of those constellations, shining brightly.
- by Lidia, August 2006.