Friday, January 05, 2007

Breakfast At Tiffany's

"... I don't have any right to give it a name: it'll have to wait to be someone's cat. We met one day by the river, but we don't belong to each other. He's independent, as I am. I don't want to own anything until I find somewhere where I'll be in my place and things will be in their place. I'm still not sure about where's that place but I know how does it look like [...] if I found a place where I felt like I do in Tiffany's I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name"

"How can I know where will I be living tomorrow? That's why I told them to write Traveller"

"... those last weeks [...] appear blurred in my memory, maybe because our mutual comprehension reached that wonderful place where you communicate more often with silence than with words..."

"...but Buenos Aires is even better, it's not Tiffany's but it's quite close..."

"Holly lives in the permanent provisionality, without past, not wanting to belong to anything or anyone, feeling foreigner or exiled anywhere"

- "Breakfast At Tiffany's", Truman Capote.


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