Waiting For Holly II
She never thought a person could change everything so much... or to that point. That's why even walking her way from home to school has changed... so much. She wants to meet Holly but instead she's meeting a great friend she met more than a year ago also by coincidence, one of those coincidences life has on offer. Picture life as a big shop, a shopping centre. But you walk the stores not knowing what they do sell. It's not the lights outside the shops what attracts you to go inside but your feet that step inside them.
She gets on a bus. There's never a point of running to get on a bus, it may start moving just when you reach the door and it closes in front of you... pretty much what life itself does... that's why there's no point in running anyway. But she feels the urge to run for some particular reason and she does it, and just because she wants to do that she feels awesomely free. There's a little boy crying on the bus, she doesn't know if little boys crying are a bigger mystery than little dogs barking.
Maybe a hat and a long denim coat make her look foreigner. Maybe not. Maybe it's because she bought them both the day before she was leaving to London and her life changed. Maybe not. Who decided where to put the bus stops?
There's a beautiful light-orange-blue-pink-purple sunset she'd love to see it from the Maremagnum... without taking any bus.

The city lights say it's night time now but in her eyes, and her head it's always day time... or let's say light time. Someone recently told her she shines... and she takes care to remember that every now and then. Great things do shine. Do her black nails change anything?
Too many mopeds, too many city lights. What if everything went dark for a second? Everything looks different at night. But why does that seems like the right thing to say? Why if people were asked to separate the universe in terms of right and wrong they would associate night with bad? She's not one of those people. She likes to believe she's different, just like everyone else... except from the fact that she enjoys it.
She needs no mp3 anymore, music is her head... magic music without notes... a melody that keeps her smiling. She's happy. Holly would like that song too.
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