Friday, September 01, 2006


Sooner or later I'll find you again... Hyoga.

Today the time machine has rewinded fourteen years but with the knowledge and experiences of today everything seems even more amazing. And in that very same moment, a long long time ago, was when the Crystal Palace was built. It was first drawn under a table during a long conversation. Saint Seiya. Orange and Blue. Maybe it's subjective, maybe not.

¡Dame tu fuerza Pegaso!

"The cosmos of the heart embraced
Burn it high and make a miracle happen
We have to be wounded
The faraway galaxy we promised to each other

...only dreams are the wings of the heart that no one can steal...
[...] In the ever glittering sky, aim for the constellation that's yours alone"

- "Pegasus Fantasy", Saint Seiya OST.


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